ArrayableClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Support
AmountClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Coupons
An amount object requires the amount off, and the currency.
$Amount#amountProperty in class Amount
AmountClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\InvoiceItems
Invoice Item Amount.
$Amount#amountProperty in class Amount
$Product#argumentsProperty in class Product


BalanceInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
BusinessLogoClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Files
Business Logo.
BalanceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
This is an object representing your Stripe balance. You can retrieve it to see the balance currently on your Stripe account.
Strype::balance() — Method in class Strype


CouponTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Models
ChargeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
Interface CustomerInterface.
ChargeInterface::create() — Method in class ChargeInterface
ChargeInterface::capture() — Method in class ChargeInterface
CouponInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
CouponInterface::create() — Method in class CouponInterface
CustomerInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
CustomerInterface::create() — Method in class CustomerInterface
CustomerInterface::createWithoutToken() — Method in class CustomerInterface
DisputeInterface::close() — Method in class DisputeInterface
FileInterface::create() — Method in class FileInterface
FileLinkInterface::create() — Method in class FileLinkInterface
InvoiceInterface::create() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
InvoiceItemInterface::create() — Method in class InvoiceItemInterface
PaymentIntentInterface::create() — Method in class PaymentIntentInterface
PaymentIntentInterface::confirm() — Method in class PaymentIntentInterface
PaymentIntentInterface::capture() — Method in class PaymentIntentInterface
PaymentIntentInterface::cancel() — Method in class PaymentIntentInterface
PayoutInterface::create() — Method in class PayoutInterface
PayoutInterface::cancel() — Method in class PayoutInterface
PlanInterface::create() — Method in class PlanInterface
ProductInterface::create() — Method in class ProductInterface
RefundInterface::create() — Method in class RefundInterface
SubscriptionInterface::create() — Method in class SubscriptionInterface
SubscriptionInterface::cancel() — Method in class SubscriptionInterface
SubscriptionItemInterface::create() — Method in class SubscriptionItemInterface
TokenInterface::createCard() — Method in class TokenInterface
TokenInterface::createBankAccount() — Method in class TokenInterface
TokenInterface::createPii() — Method in class TokenInterface
TokenInterface::createAccount() — Method in class TokenInterface
UsageRecordInterface::create() — Method in class UsageRecordInterface
$Amount#currencyProperty in class Amount
$Percent#currencyProperty in class Percent
CustomerSignatureClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Files
Customer Signature.
ChargeAutomaticallyClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Subscriptions
Charge the subscription automatically.
ChargeClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a Charge object. You can retrieve and refund individual charges as well as list all charges. Charges are identified by a unique, random ID.
Charge::create() — Method in class Charge
Charge a Customer. A Customer must have some sort of payment source. Usually they payment source is a card, and it is added via a token that is created using JavaScript on the front end. This helps keep your application PCI compliant.
Charge::capture() — Method in class Charge
Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step payment flow, where first you created a charge with the capture option set to false.
CouponClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
A coupon contains information about a percent-off or amount-off discount you might want to apply to a customer. Coupons may be applied to invoices or orders.
Coupon::create() — Method in class Coupon
A coupon has either a percent_off or an amount_off and currency. If you set an amount_off, that amount will be subtracted from any invoice’s subtotal.
CustomerClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Customer objects allow you to perform recurring charges, and to track multiple charges, that are associated with the same customer. The API allows you to create, delete, and update your customers. You can retrieve individual customers as well as a list of all your customers.
Customer::create() — Method in class Customer
Create a customer.
Customer::createWithoutToken() — Method in class Customer
Create a Customer without requiring a token.
Discount::customer() — Method in class Discount
Dispute::close() — Method in class Dispute
Closing the dispute for a charge indicates that you do not have any evidence to submit and are essentially dismissing the dispute, acknowledging it as lost.
File::create() — Method in class File
Create a file.
FileLink::create() — Method in class FileLink
Creates a new file link object.
Invoice::create() — Method in class Invoice
This endpoint creates a draft invoice for a given customer. The draft invoice created pulls in all pending invoice items on that customer, including prorations.
InvoiceItem::create() — Method in class InvoiceItem
Creates an item to be added to a draft invoice. If no invoice is specified, the item will be on the next invoice created for the customer specified.
PaymentIntent::create() — Method in class PaymentIntent
Creates a PaymentIntent object.
PaymentIntent::confirm() — Method in class PaymentIntent
Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided source.
PaymentIntent::capture() — Method in class PaymentIntent
Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent where required_action="requires_capture".
PaymentIntent::cancel() — Method in class PaymentIntent
A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statues: requires_source, requires_capture, requires_confirmation, or requires_source_action.
Payout::create() — Method in class Payout
To send funds to your own bank account, you create a new payout object.
Payout::cancel() — Method in class Payout
A previously created payout can be canceled if it has not yet been paid out. Funds will be refunded to your available balance. You may not cancel automatic Stripe payouts.
Plan::create() — Method in class Plan
You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
Product::create() — Method in class Product
Creates a new product object. To create a product for use with orders, see Products.
Refund::create() — Method in class Refund
When you create a new refund, you must specify a charge on which to create it.
Subscription::create() — Method in class Subscription
Creates a new subscription on an existing customer.
Subscription::cancel() — Method in class Subscription
Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer will not be charged again for the subscription.
SubscriptionItem::create() — Method in class SubscriptionItem
Adds a new item to an existing subscription. No existing items will be changed or replaced.
Token::createCard() — Method in class Token
Creates a single-use token that represents a credit card’s details. This token can be used in place of a credit card associative array with any API method. These tokens can be used only once: by creating a new Charge object, or by attaching them to a Customer object.
Token::createBankAccount() — Method in class Token
Creates a single-use token that represents a bank account’s details. This token can be used in place of a bank account associative array with any API method. These tokens can be used only once: by attaching them to a recipient or Custom account.
Token::createPii() — Method in class Token
Creates a single-use token that represents the details of personally identifiable information (PII). This token can be used in place of a personal_id_number in the Account Update API method. A PII token can be used only once.
Token::createAccount() — Method in class Token
Creates a single-use token that wraps a user’s legal entity information.
UsageRecord::create() — Method in class UsageRecord
Creates a usage record for a specified subscription item and date, and fills it with a quantity.
Strype::customer() — Method in class Strype
Strype::charge() — Method in class Strype
Strype::coupon() — Method in class Strype


DurationTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Models
DiscountInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
DiscountInterface::deleteCustomerDiscount() — Method in class DiscountInterface
DiscountInterface::deleteSubscriptionDiscount() — Method in class DiscountInterface
DisputeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
DeleteInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Traits
Interface DeleteInterface.
DeleteInterface::delete() — Method in class DeleteInterface
$Repeating#durationProperty in class Repeating
DisputeEvidenceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Files
Dispute Evidence.
$SendInvoice#daysUntilDueProperty in class SendInvoice
DiscountClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular customer.
Discount::deleteCustomerDiscount() — Method in class Discount
Removes the currently applied discount on a customer.
Discount::deleteSubscriptionDiscount() — Method in class Discount
Removes the currently applied discount on a subscription.
DisputeClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
A dispute occurs when a customer questions your charge with their card issuer.
Strype::dispute() — Method in class Strype
Strype::discount() — Method in class Strype
DeleteClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Traits
Delete::delete() — Method in class Delete
Delete a resource.


EventInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
EventClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in your account. When an interesting event occurs, we create a new Event object.
Strype::event() — Method in class Strype


FileTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Models
FileInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
FileLinkInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
InvoiceInterface::finalizeInvoice() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
ForeverClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Durations
Used for indicating the duration is forever.
FileClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models
Base File class.
$File#fileProperty in class File
FileClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
This is an object representing a file hosted on Stripe's servers. The file may have been uploaded by yourself using the create file request (for example, when uploading dispute evidence) or it may have been created by Stripe (for example, the results of a Sigma scheduled query).
FileLinkClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
To share the contents of a File object with non-Stripe users, you can create a FileLink. FileLinks contain a URL that can be used to retrieve the contents of the file without authentication.
Invoice::finalizeInvoice() — Method in class Invoice
Stripe automatically finalizes drafts before sending and attempting payment on invoices. However, if you’d like to finalize a draft invoice manually, you can do so using this method.
Strype::file() — Method in class Strype
Strype::fileLink() — Method in class Strype


FileTypeInterface::getFile() — Method in class FileTypeInterface
FileTypeInterface::getPurpose() — Method in class FileTypeInterface
Identifiable::getId() — Method in class Identifiable
File::getFile() — Method in class File
Returns the stream resource.
File::getPurpose() — Method in class File
Returns the purpose of the file.
GoodClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Products
Product is a good.
Resource::getId() — Method in class Resource
Returns the unique identifier for this resource.
Resource::getResponse() — Method in class Resource
Returns the raw Stripe response.


InvoiceItemTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Models
InvoiceInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
InvoiceItemInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
IdentifiableClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Support
IdentityDocumentClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Files
Identity Document.
$Resource#idProperty in class Resource
A unique identifier for the resource.
InvoiceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either generated one-off, or generated periodically from a subscription.
InvoiceItemClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Sometimes you want to add a charge or credit to a customer, but actually charge or credit the customer's card only at the end of a regular billing cycle. This is useful for combining several charges (to minimize per-transaction fees), or for having Stripe tabulate your usage-based billing totals.
Strype::invoiceItem() — Method in class Strype
Strype::invoice() — Method in class Strype


ListAllInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Traits
ListAllInterface::listAll() — Method in class ListAllInterface
ListAllClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Traits
List All.
ListAll::listAll() — Method in class ListAll
List all the resources.


InvoiceInterface::markUncollectible() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
Invoice::markUncollectible() — Method in class Invoice
Marking an invoice as uncollectible is useful for keeping track of bad debts that can be written off for accounting purposes.


$Product#nameProperty in class Product


OnceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Durations
Duration is once.


ProductTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Models
InvoiceInterface::pay() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
PaymentIntentInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
PayoutInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
PlanInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
ProductInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
PercentClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Coupons
A Percent object only requires the percentage.
$Percent#percentageProperty in class Percent
$File#purposeProperty in class File
PciDocumentClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Files
PCI Document.
ProductClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models
Base Product class.
Invoice::pay() — Method in class Invoice
Stripe automatically creates and then attempts to collect payment on invoices for customers on subscriptions according to your subscriptions settings. However, if you’d like to attempt payment on an invoice out of the normal collection schedule or for some other reason, you can do so.
PaymentIntentClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
A PaymentIntent tracks the process of collecting a payment from your customer.
PayoutClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
A Payout object is created when you receive funds from Stripe, or when you initiate a payout to either a bank account or debit card of a connected Stripe account. You can retrieve individual payouts, as well as list all payouts. Payouts are made on varying schedules, depending on your country and industry.
PlanClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Plans define the base price, currency, and billing cycle for subscriptions.
ProductClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Product objects describe items that your customers can subscribe to with a Subscription. An associated Plan determines the product pricing.
Strype::payout() — Method in class Strype
Strype::product() — Method in class Strype
Strype::plan() — Method in class Strype
Strype::paymentIntent() — Method in class Strype


QuantityClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\InvoiceItems
Invoice Item Quantity.
$Quantity#quantityProperty in class Quantity


ResourceInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts
BalanceInterface::retrieveBalanceTransaction() — Method in class BalanceInterface
InvoiceInterface::retrieveLineItems() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
InvoiceInterface::retrieveUpcomingLineItems() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
RefundInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
RetrieveInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Traits
Interface RetrieveInterface.
RetrieveInterface::retrieve() — Method in class RetrieveInterface
RepeatingClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Durations
Duration repeats every X months.
ResourceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype
Class Resource.
$Resource#responseProperty in class Resource
A response from Stripe.
Balance::retrieve() — Method in class Balance
Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request.
Balance::retrieveBalanceTransaction() — Method in class Balance
Retrieves the balance transaction with the given ID.
Invoice::retrieveLineItems() — Method in class Invoice
When retrieving an invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
Invoice::retrieveUpcomingLineItems() — Method in class Invoice
When retrieving an upcoming invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
RefundClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Refund objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that was originally charged.
Strype::refund() — Method in class Strype
RetrieveClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Traits
Retrieve::retrieve() — Method in class Retrieve
Get a resource by the ID.


SubscriptionBillingTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Models
InvoiceInterface::sendInvoice() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
SubscriptionInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
SubscriptionItemInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
ServiceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Products
Product is a service.
SendInvoiceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Subscriptions
Send an invoice for the subscription.
Resource::setProperties() — Method in class Resource
Set the response data as properties on the class.
Charge::stripe() — Method in class Charge
Call the Stripe API.
Coupon::stripe() — Method in class Coupon
Customer::stripe() — Method in class Customer
Discount::subscription() — Method in class Discount
Dispute::stripe() — Method in class Dispute
Event::stripe() — Method in class Event
File::stripe() — Method in class File
FileLink::stripe() — Method in class FileLink
Invoice::sendInvoice() — Method in class Invoice
Stripe will automatically send invoices to customers according to your subscriptions settings. However, if you’d like to manually send an invoice to your customer out of the normal schedule, you can do so. When sending invoices that have already been paid, there will be no reference to the payment in the email.
Invoice::stripe() — Method in class Invoice
InvoiceItem::stripe() — Method in class InvoiceItem
PaymentIntent::stripe() — Method in class PaymentIntent
Payout::stripe() — Method in class Payout
Plan::stripe() — Method in class Plan
Product::stripe() — Method in class Product
Refund::stripe() — Method in class Refund
SubscriptionClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Subscriptions allow you to charge a customer on a recurring basis. A subscription ties a customer to a particular plan you've created.
Subscription::stripe() — Method in class Subscription
SubscriptionItemClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Subscription items allow you to create customer subscriptions with more than one plan, making it easy to represent complex billing relationships.
SubscriptionItem::stripe() — Method in class SubscriptionItem
Token::stripe() — Method in class Token
UsageRecord::stripe() — Method in class UsageRecord
StrypeClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype
Class Strype.
Strype::subscription() — Method in class Strype
Strype::subscriptionItem() — Method in class Strype


TokenInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
Arrayable::toArray() — Method in class Arrayable
Amount::toArray() — Method in class Amount
Return an associative array with the protected properties.
Percent::toArray() — Method in class Percent
Return an associative array with the values of the properties.
Forever::toArray() — Method in class Forever
Once::toArray() — Method in class Once
Repeating::toArray() — Method in class Repeating
TaxDocumentUserUploadClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Models\Files
Tax Document.
Amount::toArray() — Method in class Amount
Quantity::toArray() — Method in class Quantity
$Product#typeProperty in class Product
Product::toArray() — Method in class Product
$Good#typeProperty in class Good
$Service#typeProperty in class Service
ChargeAutomatically::toArray() — Method in class ChargeAutomatically
SendInvoice::toArray() — Method in class SendInvoice
TokenClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Tokenization is the process Stripe uses to collect sensitive card or bank account details, or personally identifiable information (PII), directly from your customers in a secure manner. A token representing this information is returned to your server to use. You should use Checkout, Elements, or our mobile libraries to perform this process, client-side. This ensures that no sensitive card data touches your server, and allows your integration to operate in a PCI-compliant way.
Strype::token() — Method in class Strype


InvoiceInterface::upcoming() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
UsageRecordInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Resources
UsageRecordInterface::usageRecordSummaries() — Method in class UsageRecordInterface
UpdateInterfaceClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Contracts\Traits
Interface UpdateInterface.
UpdateInterface::update() — Method in class UpdateInterface
$Repeating#unitsProperty in class Repeating
$Quantity#unitAmountProperty in class Quantity
Invoice::upcoming() — Method in class Invoice
At any time, you can preview the upcoming invoice for a customer. This will show you all the charges that are pending, including subscription renewal charges, invoice item charges, etc. It will also show you any discount that is applicable to the customer.
UsageRecordClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Resources
Usage records allow you to report customer usage and metrics to Stripe for metered billing of subscription plans.
UsageRecord::usageRecordSummaries() — Method in class UsageRecord
For the specified subscription item, returns a list of summary objects.
Strype::usageRecord() — Method in class Strype
UpdateClass in namespace Bulldog\Strype\Traits
Update::update() — Method in class Update
Update a resource.


InvoiceInterface::voidInvoice() — Method in class InvoiceInterface
Invoice::voidInvoice() — Method in class Invoice
Mark a finalized invoice as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an invoice is similar to deletion, however it only applies to finalized invoices and maintains a papertrail where the invoice can still be found.


Amount::__construct() — Method in class Amount
Create an amount object with currency.
Percent::__construct() — Method in class Percent
Create a percent object with currency.
Repeating::__construct() — Method in class Repeating
BusinessLogo::__construct() — Method in class BusinessLogo
CustomerSignature::__construct() — Method in class CustomerSignature
DisputeEvidence::__construct() — Method in class DisputeEvidence
IdentityDocument::__construct() — Method in class IdentityDocument
PciDocument::__construct() — Method in class PciDocument
TaxDocumentUserUpload::__construct() — Method in class TaxDocumentUserUpload
Amount::__construct() — Method in class Amount
Quantity::__construct() — Method in class Quantity
Product::__construct() — Method in class Product
SendInvoice::__construct() — Method in class SendInvoice
Strype::__construct() — Method in class Strype
Strype constructor.